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How To Protect Kids From Diabetes?

How To Protect Kids From Diabetes?

The number of kids with diabetes is on the rise. Type 1 Diabetes in inevitable and almost always affects children. Always be on the lookout for it; especially if diabetes runs in the family. Type 2 diabetes was believed to only affect adults. Now, with an increase in obesity amongst kids in India, Type 2

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Safe Ways To Workout When You Have Diabetes

7 Safe Ways To Workout When You Have Diabetes

Working out is good! We all need to work out and if you are reading this article, you already know that. The question is not ‘should we workout’, rather, ‘how should we workout’. Working out with diabetes has a few threats of its own and that is why many resign with their workout plans before

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Is Type 2 Diabetes Curable

Is Type 2 Diabetes Curable?

Here’s a question many type 2 diabetics have, ‘Is Type 2 Diabetes Curable’. Although there is no apparent cure for type 2 diabetes, studies show that you can reverse it temporarily (or long term) with the steps mentioned below. Scientists have proved that type 2 diabetics can undergo a remission period where their blood sugar

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6 Yoga Poses For Foot Pain

6 Yoga Poses For Foot Pain

Our feet go through a lot of pressure. When we run or exercise, our feet take the entire weight of our body. It is our living punch bag. It’s worse when we force them inside high heels, block heels, office shoes and so on. If you are diabetic, your feet are liable to foot sores,

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10 Popular Diabetes And Health Blogs in India

10 Popular Diabetes And Health Blogs in India

When you have diabetes and other health problems that eliminate your ability to perform daily tasks, you need some kind of comradeship to help you get through your days. Some of us are lucky to have that in a friend and/or family member who supports through everything in life. But most of our friends and

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10 Most Popular Diabetic Socks in India

10 Most Popular Diabetic Socks In India

Diabetic socks came into the western market very recently. Within a few years of launch, popular diabetic socks made way in India. Many diabetic socks became famous, but only a few of them are worth your purchase. In this article, we will talk about the ten most popular diabetic socks, the technologies used to make

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Can Diabetes Affect Athletes?

Can Diabetes Affect Athletes?

We always talk about how quickly diabetes is spreading in the world, but can diabetes affect athletes? Those who are into intense sporting activities are believed to have the healthiest lifestyles. Does diabetes knock on their doors? What about those who have diabetes? Can they partake in athletics on a professional level? A study conducted

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Why is the 21st Century the Best Era For Diabetes?

Why is the 21st Century the Best Era For Diabetes?

So far, it’s been 19 years since we entered the new era; an era where diabetes runs rampant among families. Our blood has too much sugar and our hearts beat without enough fresh blood. If we knew better we would have named the 21st Century – the era for Diabetes. And arguably so, it is

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Fast Food And Diabetes – Causes and Affects

Fast Food And Diabetes – Causes and Affects

Did you know an average American family spends 40% of their food budget on eating out? In the 1940s, the concept of ‘Fast Food’ first began in California, America, and from then on fast food and diabetes spread like to the rest of the world like a forest fire. A study conducted in 2016 in India shows

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PVD – What is it? Why Does it Affect Diabetics?

PVD – What is it? Why Does it Affect Diabetics?

Peripheral Vascular Disease or PVD is a condition that affects both veins and arteries. PAD is a type of PVD that only affects the arteries. PAD is the most common type of vascular disease, but in severe cases, the condition affects both veins and arteries. PVD is much more severe because the affected body part

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PAD - What Is It? Why Does It Affect Diabetics?

PAD – What Is It? Why Does It Affect Diabetics?

Peripheral Arterial Disease or, Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) is a condition where the arteries narrow down because of fatty deposits on the walls of the artery. The artery supplies blood to various parts of the body, and when it is restricted, you can imagine how difficult it is for the body to get fresh oxygenated

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Monsoon Foot Care Tips

Monsoon Foot Care Tips

Monsoon and feet are not the best combinations in the world. The muddy water is ridden with bacteria, and we have no other option than trudging through it. That’s when all that dirty water seeps into our shoes, and our skin absorbs it. Monsoon is the worst time for your feet, and if you have

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How Can Office Goers Reduce Foot Problems

How Can Office Goers Reduce Foot Problems?

Foot problems are the worst, and after spending long hours on your feet, they become inevitable. But there is a way to reduce this. If you follow simple steps of footcare, you can reduce a plethora of problems. In this article, we will discuss some of the most common foot problems that occur among office

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Everyday Activities That Are Harming Your Feet

If you have a good job a comfortable commute, a nice home, and an additional fitness class, must thank your feet. Believe it or not, you can do all the things you do because you have two functioning legs at your service. Our days are so busy that we don’t realise when we put our

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