7 Things People Tell You About Diabetes That Isn’t True

7 Things People Tell You About Diabetes That Isn’t True

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Diabetes has been around for a very long time. It was first diagnosed in India around 400 – 500 AD and the name was first coined together as Diabetes Mellitus by Thomas Willis in the 1600s. Though times have changed and diabetes has become easier to manage, a disease as old as diabetes has picked up a few misconceptions along the way which in most cases, are misinterpreted variations of the truth. Here are some things people tell you about diabetes that aren’t true.

Too Much Sugar Causes Diabetes

An unhealthy diet may lead to obesity which may increase your chances of getting type two diabetes however, too much sugar does not directly lead to diabetes. Some people maintain a healthy diet and still acquire diabetes due to various reasons. Family history may lead to diabetes as well. Also, in the case of type one diabetes, it usually occurs during a person’s childhood when their pancreas stops working for no particular reason. Sugar has a very little role to play in being diagnosed with diabetes.

As for type two diabetes, it has less to do with your sugar consumption and more to do with your genetics and lifestyle. If you are not very active and eat more calories than what’s required, also if diabetes runs in the family, your chances of getting diabetes increases.

Thin People Cannot Get Diabetes

This is another dangerous myth which may cause some thin people to live life a little carelessly. It’s true that while an increase in weight may increase your chances of getting diabetes, thin people are not off the hook. Hereditary factors may cause a thinner person to have diabetes as well. Some people gain weight quickly while others don’t which is why your external frame is not indicative of how fit you are. If you don’t have a good diet in place and you don’t exercise a lot, your chances of getting type two diabetes increases.

You Can Only Inherit Diabetes

This lie has some truth to it. If your parents have diabetes, it increases your chances of having diabetes by 25%. In that case, you should be aware of the symptoms and get your blood sugar levels checked once a year, and once every three months in case they are a little high. Sometimes it skips a generation too, which means that some inherit diabetes from their grandparents. However, though genetics may play a part, it is not always the sole reason for getting diabetes. Your lifestyle plays a very important role too. So, if your family members don’t have diabetes but you live a very sedentary lifestyle, you may get diabetes.

People With Diabetes Must Soak Their Feet in Vinegar Every Day

This used to be a common practice earlier but now, we have discovered that by soaking your feet in vinegar can dry your feet and cause them to have superficial cracks. Instead, you can wash your feet thoroughly, and dry them before wearing a pair of absorbent socks. This will keep your feet protected from infections, foot sores and an array of foot problems that occur with diabetes. Never ignore cuts and bruises on your feet as they may lead to infections.

Only Adults and Old People Have Diabetes

Though it is true that as you grow older your chances of getting diabetes increases, our sudden change in diet and lifestyle has led to a large population of children getting diabetes as well. This is why you should be especially careful and watch out for symptoms of diabetes among young children. Some children are too young to understand what is happening to them which is why we must observe their habits carefully.

Cinnamon Cures Diabetes

 A study published in 2013, by Western University of Health Science, California, stated that cinnamon might reduce blood sugar levels. Since then there have been a lot of studies to check the correlation between cinnamon and diabetes. The truth is there is no evidence that supports the effectiveness of cinnamon for diabetics and the lack of evidence does not imply that cinnamon is indeed beneficial. Natural cinnamon is not harmful and if you are really curious, you can give it a try but don’t hope to see a different reading. Lastly, if you want to try cinnamon, be sure to pick it from the right sources. Certain varieties of cinnamon contain coumarin which can be toxic if taken in large amounts.

Diabetics Should Not Workout

This is another dangerous myth that stems out from the fact that severely diabetics are asked not to perform certain exercises that may elevate blood sugar. However, this does not mean that diabetics cannot workout at all! In fact, diabetics should workout at least for thirty minutes every day. If you have intense workout sessions, you can get away with working out a few times a week but workout you must!

There are certain precautions you must take while working out. Firstly, you must ensure you have the proper footwear to keep your feet safe from foot sores. If you are a seasoned sports person and severely diabetic, you should talk to your physiotherapist once before you start a new workout regime. Lastly, you must also pay close attention to your diet. Too much workout and little calorie intake may lead to a hypoglycaemic shock which is another serious condition. If you pay attention to these three things, you should have no problem working out and living an active lifestyle. So, here are a few common lies about diabetes. The truth is, anyone can get diabetes, but your choice of lifestyle makes the condition more manageable. If you or a friend/family member has diabetes, make sure to do the research so that you are not misguided about the illness.

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